Sunday, November 16, 2008


Relationships... yup. I almost regret putting this on my blog. But if you're having a hard time getting over someone, should you go to them? No. That's a terrible idea. So I went to my trustworthy blog! I've been a victim of High School dating. My freshmen year I was single. Then I had a girlfriend my sophomore year, a different one my junior year, and then one more that started halfway through my senior year. The most recent one ended a few weeks into College. the main reason it ended was because it can be harder for some people to be honest in a long distance relationship. And I say that in the most lovingly way possible. Why is it so hard to get over someone that you grew so close to? Each breakup got worse. But I always end up walking away learning something new and very important for relationships. But why is it so hard? Who knew one person could mean so much to you? I blame myself for the most part. The way I've been dating is not right at all. It's extremely important to put God first in a relationship. Otherwise it totally goes downhill. I learned this after my 2nd relationship. So I was sure I'd get the next one right. I would put God first. I couldn't. And I know this sounds like "duh, of course", but I knew that I wasn't right with God first. You can't go into a relationship thinking that this person will help you get closer to God. They probably will, and it's good to do that, but you can't just depend on that person to do it for you. You need to get right with God before you go into a relationship (the "duh" moment). I've been working on my relationship with God. It's been getting much better, but how do you know that God is officially first? I feel like I'm way too busy all the time. One thing that really helps me is this: I use my talents that God has given me to grow closer to him. I'll play piano or guitar, and just start singing how I feel. God has given me the gift of being able to improvise and play and sing a whole song from nothing. I am so thankful for this. I'll sing my feelings about God. Sometimes, I'll sing my prayers. I feel very peaceful after that. I know that everyone has heard this: "Don't run looking for your spouse, Run to God, and you'll find your spouse running right next to you". At a school with a lot of pretty girls, this is hard to do. I haven't fallen into hooking up or finding another relationship, but I can't lie, it's fun to think about how some relationships could work. I just need to keep my eyes on Christ. I'm sure that my way of dating will be completely changed with time, and growing closer to God.

Please pray for everyone who's going through hard relationships, and trying to figure out what to do, and what they might be doing wrong. I can relate to them. If you're one of those people, I'd love to talk. Pray that I can keep my focus on Christ more than anything. That's what I need more than anything right now. Pray for my future spouse too. Thanks! and Thanks for reading.

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